3月19日の記念日・年中行事(English Wikipedia)
- キリスト教の行事
- ダービーのアルクムント
- 聖ヨセフの日(西方キリスト教。)
- 3月19日(東方正教会の典礼)
- 復活祭前の木曜日に祝われる(キリスト教)。
- ミナ・カントの誕生日および平等の日(フィンランド)
- カシュビアン統一記念日(ポーランド)
Wikipedia の「March 19」をもとに作成しています(2025/01/03取得)。元の記事に一部修正を加えています。
- Christian Observances:
- Alkmund of Derby
- Saint Joseph (Western Christianity; if this date falls on Sunday, the feast is moved to Monday March 20)
- Saint Joseph's Day (Roman Catholicism and Anglican Communion) related observances:
- Falles, celebrated on the week leading to March 19 (Valencia)
- Father's Day (Spain, Portugal, Italy, Honduras, and Bolivia)
- "Return of the Swallow", annual observance of the swallows' return to Mission San Juan Capistrano in California
- Saint Joseph's Day (Roman Catholicism and Anglican Communion) related observances:
- March 19 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
- Earliest day on which Maundy Thursday can fall, while April 22 is the latest; celebrated on Thursday before Easter (Christianity)
- Minna Canth's Birthday and the Day of Equality (Finland)
- Kashubian Unity Day (Poland)
Source: March 19